Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bowling for a healthy way of life is not what usually comes to mind when contemplating a sport. Most people may not think that bowling, famously played as a bowling league, actually does contribute to a physically fit life-style and at the same time can be mentally challenging.
If you've ever walked while carrying hand weights, it's for the most part the same motion as bowling. The approach portion of bowling is usually comprised of taking 3-5 steps, the repetitive motion of which is said to keep the legs and back limber.
The act of releasing the ball and following through while bowling involves movements of the whole body. This also exercises numerous parts of the body.
For people that are on the other hand inactive, bowling can be significantly helpful in obtaining a healthy life-style. Many may experience sore muscles in the days immediately following a couple games of bowling.
The sport of bowling actually burns calories, thus it can be a great substitute for the boring routine. Besides, bowling can just be plain fun to do especially in a bowling league .
Since bowling involves little risk of injury, it can be a great alternative for the elderly. It can also help the aged with their balance since it involves carrying a fairly heavy piece of equipment (bowling ball) in one hand.
Avoid playing in a bowling league if you are interested in bowling simply as a physical activity. The time between frames in a league doesn't contribute as well if conditioning is your goal. Bowling for practice will allow less time between frames so you can obtain a more physically demanding workout.
If you do choose a bowling league as opposed to just bowling for fun, you are likely to benefit from positive psychological benefits. Many people may otherwise lack the social interaction required for a mentally healthy life style. If you combine this social interaction with the physical aspects of bowling, you've created a real stress reliever and chance to laugh with those around you. In fact, it has been shown in studies that stress reduction and an optimistic outlook on life can help reduce sickness and disease.
It's obvious that bowling may not get you ready to run a marathon, but it does have numerous physical and mental benefits. This applies perhaps as much for inactive and/or older people as anyone.
Bowling is just plain fun! It's beneficial for people of all ages and an excellent family activity. It's definitely a sport in itself. Why not go bowling today?

1 comment:

  1. Zoinks, bowling is healthy for you, I should go down there and get fit
